We love the incredible diversity of our community, and we’re proud of our academy’s long-standing commitment to creating a truly inclusive environment where everyone feels loved.
To further our commitment, this June, we’re working with academies across the Trust to celebrate everything that makes our children, young people and staff unique by launching Pride in Diversity Month!
Find out more about Pride in Diversity Month
The first theme of our Pride in Diversity Month is Disability, and what we can do as an academy, and as part of the Trust, to support every member of our community. This is more important than ever before after the impact of the past year.
It is all of our responsibilities to support every member of our community. We do this by being patient, by treating each other with kindness, and by standing up for others when they may need help.
Find out more about Disability week
Types of disability
You may see other children or staff around the Academy who you can see are disabled. They might be in a wheelchair, have difficulty walking, or carry a white stick. It is our responsibility to make sure they are not struggling, and to see if they need our help. We can also get a member of staff to help if we think they need help.
There are also disabled people who have less-visible disabilities, which can make it harder to know if they need help. They may have a learning disability, be hard of hearing or suffer from asthma, for example. This is why we have to be really patient, understanding, and helpful for everyone. If we think someone might be struggling, even if we can’t see why, we should check to see if we can help them.
Support in our Academy
Some children and staff with disabilities might have found the pandemic and the time away from the Academy harder than the others in our community. That’s why we have made additional support available to them, but we are always looking for new ways to support them even more. We welcome suggestions from children and staff on how we can better support them.