We really want to encourage as much interaction, support and ’connection’ with you as we can throughout any remote learning. Here’s an overview as to what to expect from us:
- Support with signing up to Class Dojo and logging into Microsoft Teams.
- Remote staff will set expectations on Teams as they would in the classroom to ensure lessons run as smoothly as possible in the virtual classroom.
- We will have a paper pack ready for your child to take them with them when they leave school if we have had to shut due a positive test. This broadly carries on from the classroom learning and provides practise basic English and mathematics skills initially.
- We aim to teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, various science practical learning experiments and DT projects.
- Live register Microsoft Teams Meeting every morning (see phase timetables for specific times). A register will be logged of what activities are being submitted by each student every day. It is an expectation that children attend live sessions. Parents should contact the class teacher on Class Dojo beforehand if the child is unable to attend due to medical or other reasons.
- A school day broadly mirrored as to what would happen in school. There is a ‘suggested’ timetable that you may wish to follow but is not compulsory as we understand there may be siblings that you have to work around! We have aimed for approximately 3 hours for EYFS/KS1 and 4 hours for KS2.
- If your child needs to self – isolate, work will be uploaded to Class Dojo which will broadly follow what we would be doing in class where appropriate. These will include various PPTs and worksheets to support.
- Pre – recorded lessons from a teacher in your child’s phase to ensure some familiarity to support with learning.
- Pre – recorded lessons from ’Oak National Academy’, which is a government funded resource producing high quality lessons on key parts of the primary curriculum.
- Activities designed to ensure you have some time away from the screen. These may be art/craft, PE sessions or baking. This is just as important!
- Parent hotline to our pastoral team to talk through anything that isn’t academic related. We’re all human beings getting through this together!
- 1:1 lessons of phonics for keen readers in KS1.
- Provision at school for those who are key workers.
- Whole class live sessions centred around children’s personal, social, emotional and health from our teachers and pastoral team. This will include those at home and at school.
- Answering any questions via Class Dojo if you are stuck on the learning where our remote teachers will reply during their normal working hours.
- A ‘technical helpline’ from our office to support IT needs during this time – our very own IT help desk.
- A range of devices delivered to specific families so online learning can be accessed.
- Work packs provided for a small amount of families whereby IT access is limited. These will also be collected in and marked by our fantastic team.
- We have optional ‘drop in sessions’ during the afternoon where your child can access additional support if appropriate.
Example Learning Timetables
Exciting Projects
- Musical talent still being practised through Charanga and our expert flute teachers.
- Laughing Yoga with our class mates to support our well-being.
- Expert artist Theresa helping us be creative through a range of pre – recorded videos.
- Planet Activtists using Greta Thunberg a s our inspiration! Making sure we are doing as much recycling as possible!
- Zoom meetings with experts!
- Remote rewards.